What Is SEO ?

SEO is an acronym for search engine optimization.

This technique involves the process of creating content that entices search engines like Google to display it in a prime location when someone types in terms of keywords.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of taking steps to help a website or piece of content rank higher on Google. Unlike paid advertising, SEO uses “organic” ranking which means you don’t pay to be in that space.

In other words, when someone searches for something on Google, your business might be shown at the top of the page just because it has been optimized by a professional in your industry.

In the online community, one can find many people looking for information on different subjects.

Most of these people will likely first go to a search engine like Google in order to find what they’re searching for. Two-thirds of all searches made in the major search engines begin with Google, as it holds an astonishing 75% market share globally.

When deciding how your content will be best represented on the web, you need to first consider how search works.

Key Elements of SEO :

You’re looking at two main options to perform SEO on your content. Firstly, you can employ both on-page SEO and off-page SEO measures, which we will discuss next.

1) On- Page SEO –

On-page SEO is about making sure keywords are incorporated into the content of the pages and that titles, metatags and other factors relating to SEO have been taken care of through meticulous editing.

2) Off – Page SEO –

Off-page SEO includes a lot more than just earning backlinks, you need to work at building relationships and creating content that people would want to share on their own accord. While it is a time consuming process, it is integral to being successful with SEO.

SEO Strategies: Black Hat Vs. White Hat

When it comes to SEO, having a short-term approach that involves keyword stuffing or link scraping is often referred to as black hat SEO. In the short term, this might get you some traffic and rankings but in the long run you’re literally going to reap what you sow since Google will come down hard on your site after doing this for so long.

White hat SEO is the way to build a sustainable online business that ranks naturally for years to come. When you do white hat SEO in your content marketing strategy, you’ll focus on creating content your audience will love and finding more meaningful ways of reaching out to them.

Things that are classified under Black Hat SEO

Duplicate content: When trying to rank for a certain keyword, someone might try including that keyword over and over again but they don’t realize that Google will penalize your site if you do this. In fact, Google has stated that any sort of duplicate content can cause you to get blacklisted or banned.

Invisible text and keyword stuffing: Years ago people would put hundreds of keywords at the bottom of their articles under invisible text so that it wouldn’t be seen by anyone who wasn’t using a special program to look for things in the background. This is obviously no longer, permitted because Google was cracking down on black hat techniques like this one. It’s also very important not to stuff in keywords where they don’t belong – just add them naturally and let them flow with the rest of the text so as not to create awkward sentences.

Cloaking and redirects: Redirecting pages on your site that are designed to send visitors off-site is a violation of Google Webmaster Guidelines. You need to direct people to the right place.

Poor or non-existent internal linking: It’s essential when creating new content to provide links within that content that lead back to other relevant pieces of your own content. When you include these links, make sure they’re a reputable source and not a third party link building service.

Do you know about Gray SEO?

There is such a thing as a middle road when it comes to SEO. It’s called “gray hat.”

This isn’t considered pure, innocent SEO like white hat SEO, but it isn’t as manipulative as black hat techniques are.

A gray hat knows what the rules are and how far they can bend them without getting into too much hot water with Google.

After all, Google sets the rules for search engine optimization, so you need to know what those rules really are if you want to play by their standards.

So how does one go about guest posting to grow their brand? First of all, you’ll want to consider the fact that not just any blogger or website is going to be relevant for your niche.

You want to ensure that your links will help you generate some high-quality traffic back to your site and allow you to get a name for yourself in the industry.

Also note that the method of building an audience through guest blogging can make or break a company depending on how they use it.

While some companies may choose this route in order to build their own personal brand as well as their company, they do so by purchasing blog posts from other sites using what would only amount to illegal tactics.

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