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Branding- The Soul of the Business

Branding- The Soul of the Business

Branding is a business’ personality and so are its strategies. A brand affects decision-making, develops trust, and helps build credibility. It does more than just simplify and systemize a company; it clarifies the purpose for one’s customers and speaks their language. When brands like Amazon or Instagram define themselves as cool, trendy, and innovative, no…

What is a Branding Strategy?

What is a Branding Strategy?

A branding strategy is essentially long-term marketing, which incorporates a company’s growing needs and helps to direct it in the right direction. A successful branding strategy includes developing your brand so that it doesn’t get lost easily in the crowd with the proliferation of false information or simply irrelevant advertisements. You need to identify your…

The Importance of Branding

The Importance of Branding

So what is branding? Does branding just mean having a logo, or can that be part of it? While there’s no doubt you do need an element that represents your business, creating a memorable brand is so much more than just giving your company an image. When you think about your customer experience, define it…

What are keywords?

What are keywords?

Keywords, or focus keywords as it is sometimes known, is a word that best describes the page or post you’re currently looking at. It’s what SEO experts call a search term in Google or another internet search engine which means if people are searching for this particular phrase or word, your page should appear in…

What is Marketing?

What is Marketing?

Marketing your business involves making sure potential customers know about what you’ve got to offer. It’s a lot of work and sometimes it can seem like there aren’t many ways to attract interest from the public but luckily there are plenty of options that can get you noticed. There are many different channels available today…

What is Business?

What is Business?

Business is a term used to refer to an organization or entity that focuses on making money. Any company that seeks to sell goods or services for profit is considered a business. However, when you say ‘business’, you are also referring to the effort and activities undertaken by individualswho run those businesses whether they happen…

What is Branding?

What is Branding?

While branding may seem simple in concept, it is quite a difficult process to execute correctly. A company’s success relies on how well the public interprets a brand image that combines several different elements such as logo design, mission statements, and a consistent theme. Those who have demonstrated their expertise in successful branding are more…

What is Performance Marketing?

What is Performance Marketing?

Performance marketing is a strategy that’s driven by results — ideal for companies looking to reach their audience at scale, because payment is based on how users interact with the content. Performance marketing works when advertisers use both agencies or publishers to design and place advertisements on performance marketing channels social media, search engines, videos,…

What is Omni Channel ?

What is Omni Channel ?

Omni channel, also spelled omnichannel, is a marketing strategy that aims to level out the playing field for a company by presenting their products, services and special offers on all channels and devices. By going omni-channel one can reach more people with their brand recognition and capture more leads for themselves. Technology is advancing so…

What is Content Marketing?

What is Content Marketing?

The Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing as: “… a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. It is a long-term strategy that focuses on building a strong relationship with your target audience by…